* @module api
* @copyright 2015–2020 RewardOps Inc.
const request = require('request');
const { isEmpty } = require('lodash');
const auth = require('./auth');
const emitter = require('./emitter');
const urls = require('./urls');
const { log } = require('./utils/logger');
* Generate extended `Error` object with `message`, `status`, and `result` properties.
* @param {string} message Error message
* @param {string|number} status HTTP status code
* @param {object} result API response body
* @returns {Error} Returns extended `Error` object.
* @private
function getError(message, status, result) {
const error = new Error();
error.message = message;
error.status = status;
error.result = result;
return error;
* Makes a call to the RewardOps API
* @param {string} httpMethod The name of the HTTP method
* @param {object} options API request options.
* @param {string} options.path The relative path to the API endpoint.
* @param {object} options.config The config object to use in the API request (usually the result of `RO.config.getAll()`).
* @param {object} [options.params] A params object to send with the API request.
* For `GET` requests these are sent as query params. For other requests they are sent as a JSON body.
* @param {module:api~requestCallback} callback Callback that handles the response
* @protected
function apiCall(httpMethod, options, callback) {
if (options.params && isEmpty(options.params)) {
delete options.params;
auth.getToken(options.config, (error, token) => {
const { apiVersion } = options.config;
const apiBaseUrlOptions = apiVersion ? { apiVersion } : {};
const url = urls.getApiBaseUrl(apiBaseUrlOptions) + options.path;
if (error) {
} else {
const requestOptions = {
method: httpMethod,
json: true,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
// Some firewalls strip the body of GET requests.
// To get around this, we send the params for GET
// requests as query params instead of a JSON body.
if (httpMethod === 'GET' && options.params) {
requestOptions.qs = options.params;
} else if (options.params) {
requestOptions.body = options.params;
log(`Request: ${httpMethod} ${url}`);
// eslint-disable-next-line default-param-last
request(requestOptions, (err, { statusCode = 500, headers, request: req } = {}, responseBody) => {
const meta = {
request: requestOptions,
response: {
if (err) {
log(err, { meta });
callback(err, undefined, undefined, req);
} else if (statusCode === 401) {
if (token === auth.token.access_token) {
* When the server responds to an API call
* that the token is invalid, and the token hasn't
* since been updated, fire an "invalidateToken"
* event, which deletes the existing token.
apiCall(httpMethod, options, callback);
} else if (responseBody && responseBody.error) {
log('API Error: {responseBody}', { level: 'error', meta, data: { responseBody } });
error = getError(responseBody.error, statusCode, responseBody.result);
callback(error, undefined, undefined, req);
} else if (responseBody && responseBody.result && responseBody.result.error) {
log('API Error: {errorDetails}', {
level: 'error',
data: { errorDetails: responseBody.result.error.detail },
error = getError(responseBody.result.error.detail, statusCode, responseBody.result);
callback(error, undefined, undefined, req);
} else if (['5', '4'].includes(String(statusCode)[0])) {
* Handle unexpected errors 5XX or 4XX (i.e. 504: GatewayTimeout)
log(`API Error: Unknown cause, status ${statusCode}`, { level: 'error', meta });
error = getError(null, statusCode, null);
callback(error, undefined, undefined, req);
} else {
log(`Success: ${statusCode} ${url}`);
callback(null, responseBody.result, responseBody, req);
* Enum for HTTP methods
* @enum {string}
* @private
const HTTP_METHODS = {
* Container object for API call methods
* @type {object}
* @property {module:api~apiCall} get `GET` API call method
* @property {module:api~apiCall} post `POST` API call method
* @property {module:api~apiCall} patch `PATCH` API call method
* @property {module:api~apiCall} delete `DELETE` API call method
* @see {@link HTTP_METHODS} for more information
const api = {};
* Higher order function for generating methods on the {@link api} object.
* @type {object}
* @private
const generateApiMethod = httpMethod => (options, callback) => {
apiCall(httpMethod, options, callback);
* On module initialization, loop through the HTTP methods to
* populate the {@link api} object.
Object.keys(HTTP_METHODS).forEach(httpMethod => {
api[httpMethod.toLowerCase()] = generateApiMethod(httpMethod);
module.exports = api;
* Callbacks follow the [Node.js error-first callback pattern]{@link https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_error_first_callbacks}.
* @callback module:api~requestCallback
* @param {(Error|null)} error Either an `Error` object or `null` if there's no error
* @param {object} responseBody The 'result' object from the API response body
* @param {object} response The full body of the response from the API. This includes pagination details, if present
* @param {object} [req] The full request object from the request library.