

 * Authorization
 * @module auth
 * @copyright 2015–2020 RewardOps Inc.

const request = require('request');

const emitter = require('./emitter');
const urls = require('./urls');
const { generateBasicAuthToken } = require('./utils/auth');
const { log, processLogData } = require('./utils/logger');

 * Token lock status
 * @private
let tokenLocked = false;

 * URL path for the authorization token in the RewardOps API.
 * @protected
const TOKEN_PATH = '/token';

 * Get status of authorization token lock.
 * @returns {boolean} Returns token lock status
 * @private
const isTokenLocked = () => tokenLocked;

 * Lock authorization token.
 * @private
function lockToken() {
  tokenLocked = true;

 * Unlock authorization token.
 * @private
function unlockToken() {
  tokenLocked = false;

 * Authorization token properties and actions object.
 * @type {object}
 * @property {{access_token: string, expires: Date}} token The current authorization token (retrieved from the API).
 * @property {Function} getBaseUrl Get the base URL for the RewardOps authorization token.
 * @property {Function} getTokenUrl Get the authorization token URL for the RewardOps API.
 * @property {Function} getTokenPath Get the value of `TOKEN_PATH`.
 * @property {Function} invalidateToken Invalidate (clear) the authorization token.
 * @property {getToken} getToken Get authorization token.
const auth = {
  token: {},

   * @type {Function}
   * @param {{ apiVersion: string, apiServerUrl: string }} config Both params are used to build the url
   * @returns {string} Returns the hostname plus the auth path
  getBaseUrl: config => `${urls.getApiBaseUrl(config)}/auth`,

   * @type {Function}
   * @param {{ apiVersion: string, apiServerUrl: string }} config Both params are used to build the url
   * @returns {string} Returns the complete token url
  getTokenUrl(config) {
    return this.getBaseUrl(config) + TOKEN_PATH;

  getTokenPath() {
    return TOKEN_PATH;

  invalidateToken: () => {
    auth.token = {};

 * Safe request authorization token method.
 * If the initial responses have errors, a retry strategy is employed.
 * @param {object} requestOptions Options for a [Request]{@link} POST call.
 * @param {{attempts: number, maxAttempts: number}} retryStrategy Request retry strategy options.
 * @param {module:api~requestCallback} callback Callback that handles the response.
 * @async
 * @protected
function requestToken(requestOptions, retryStrategy, callback) {
  emitter.once('unlockToken', callback);

  retryStrategy.attempts += 1;

  log(`Request: POST ${urls.getApiBaseUrl()}${requestOptions.path || ''}`);

  // eslint-disable-next-line default-param-last, (error, { statusCode, headers } = {}, body) => {
    const meta = {
      request: requestOptions,
      response: {
        responseBody: body,
    if (error && (error.message === 'ETIMEDOUT' || error.message === 'ESOCKETTIMEDOUT')) {
      if (retryStrategy.attempts >= retryStrategy.maxAttempts) {
         * If the request times out and
         * the max amount of counter.attempts has been
         * reached, pass the error to the callback
        log(`Auth error: Reached maximum ${retryStrategy.maxAttempts} authentication retries`, {
          level: 'error',

        emitter.emit('unlockToken', error);
      } else {
         * If the request times out
         * and the max number of counter.attempts
         * hasn't been reached, try again
        log(`Auth error: Retrying...`, { level: 'error', meta });

        emitter.removeListener('unlockToken', callback);
        requestToken(requestOptions, retryStrategy, callback);
    } else if (error) {
       * If there's a programmatic error,
       * fire the callback with the error
      log(`Auth error: ${error}`, { level: 'error', meta });

      emitter.emit('unlockToken', error);
    } else if (statusCode !== 200) {
      if (retryStrategy.attempts >= retryStrategy.maxAttempts) {
         * If the server returns an error and
         * the max amount of counter.attempts has been
         * reached, create an error and pass
         * it to the callback
        const err = new Error(); = 'AuthenticationError';
        err.message = '';

        if (headers['www-authenticate']) {
          err.message += `${headers['www-authenticate'].match(/error_description="(.*)"/)[1]} `;

        err.message += `(error ${statusCode})`;

        log(`Auth error: ${error}`, { level: 'error', meta });

        // redact & filter data before passing it to the callback
        err.metaData = processLogData({ body, requestOptions });

        emitter.emit('unlockToken', err);
      } else {
         * If the server returns an error
         * and the max number of counter.attempts
         * hasn't been reached, try again
        emitter.removeListener('unlockToken', callback);
        requestToken(requestOptions, retryStrategy, callback);
    } else {
       * If the server returns a token,
       * set auth.token and fire the
       * callback with the new token
      auth.token = {
        access_token: body.access_token,
        expires: new Date((body.created_at + body.expires_in) * 1000),

      log('Success: {statusCode}\nToken: {authToken}', { data: { statusCode, authToken: auth.token } });

      emitter.emit('unlockToken', null, auth.token.access_token);

 * Get authorization token.
 * Repeated calls to this function mid-stream are handled gracefully in order
 * to prevent race conditions.
 * @async
 * @param {object} config Configuration object used by request function.
 * @param {string} config.clientId RewardOps API OAuth `client_id`.
 * @param {string} config.clientSecret RewardOps API OAuth `client_secret`.
 * @param {string} [config.timeout] Timeout for HTTP requests (used by [Request]{@link}).
 * @param {module:api~requestCallback} callback Callback that handles the response.
 * @async
 * @protected
const getToken = (config, callback) => {
   * Calls to `RO.auth.getToken()` first check whether `RO.auth.tokenLocked()`
   * returns `true`. If it does, the callback passed to `RO.auth.getToken()` is
   * added as a listener to the `newToken` event.
   * If it doesn't return true, call lockToken(),
   * which sets the local variable
   * `tokenLocked` to `true`. (This is read by `RO.auth.tokenLocked()`.
   * Subsequent calls then wait for the new token, per the above.)
   * Then make a call to the oauth2 server for
   * a new token as usual.
   * All of this is to avoid a race condition where multiple
   * calls for a new token happen at once.
  const retryStrategy = {
    attempts: 0,
    maxAttempts: 3,

  if (!config.clientId || !config.clientSecret) {
     * Fire the callback with an error if the
     * config doesn't have a clientId and clientSecret
    const error = new Error(); = 'AuthenticationError';
    error.message = 'You must provide a ';

    if (!config.clientId && !config.clientSecret) {
      error.message += 'clientId and clientSecret';
    } else if (!config.clientId) {
      error.message += 'clientId';
    } else {
      error.message += 'clientSecret';

  } else if (auth.token && auth.token.access_token && auth.token.expires && auth.token.expires > new Date()) {
     * If there's already a valid token, use it
    callback(null, auth.token.access_token);
  } else if (isTokenLocked()) {
    emitter.once('unlockToken', callback);
  } else {
     * Otherwise, request a new token
    const requestOptions = {
      url: config.piiServerUrl
        ? auth.getTokenUrl({ apiVersion: 'v5', apiServerUrl: config.piiServerUrl })
        : auth.getTokenUrl(config),
      json: true,
      body: {
        grant_type: 'client_credentials',
      headers: generateBasicAuthToken(config.clientId, config.clientSecret),

    if (config.timeout) {
      requestOptions.timeout = config.timeout;

    requestToken(requestOptions, retryStrategy, callback);

auth.getToken = getToken;

emitter.on('invalidateToken', auth.invalidateToken);
emitter.on('lockToken', lockToken);
emitter.on('unlockToken', unlockToken);

module.exports = auth;